23 October 2012

Films for the Heart

My all-time favorite movie has to be Sleepless in Seattle. I've watched it countless times, wept fresh tears every time and be transported to seventh heaven during closing credits with Make Someone Happy (Jimmy Durante) playing in the background. Here is the final scene where Annie, Sam and Jonah finally meet. 


For films that pull at the heartstrings or simply give you the warm fuzzies, you may want to also check out:

While You Were Sleeping (1995)
As Good as It Gets (1997)
Flipped (2010)

I have to end this post with this unofficial music video of "Make Someone Happy" I found on YouTube :)


  1. While You Were Sleeping and Sleepless in Seattle are my favourites too :)

    Found your blog through twitter

    1. Top two films on my list too :)

      Thanks for dropping by and following. You are my first follower - yay :)

      Following Spill Beans already x

  2. Some movies are simply timeless and one of them is indeed Sleepless in Seattle. I found your blog through Ghadeer. I am now your follower :) Take care!

    1. Thank you for reading and following. I truly appreciate it. I am currently reading your stuff :) Happy to meet you here!

  3. Flipped. I love Flipped. I watch it often because I can't get over the cuteness of it all. It is, to me, one of the most romantic stories ever written about young love -- without the jadedness, without the sappiness. So glad to find someone who loves it too!

    1. Finally, someone who has seen it too :) It's a refreshing departure from the cliche. You are every bit right about the description. Thanks for sharing here :)
