If you ask me off the top of my head who my all-time favorite female singer is, I'd tell you Sarah McLachlan. You see I'm not the type who spontaneously comes up with answers to random Q&A's. It takes me a bit of time to arrive with something precise. Probably because I lack conviction in my supposed taste in music, literature or anything for that matter. Sarah McLachlan might just be the exception to this hackneyed theory of myself.
I confirmed this recently, like an epiphany before me while watching the New Girl episode where Jess (Zooey Deschanel) broke up with Russell (Dermot Mulroney-the guy from My Best Friend's Wedding *squirms*) and was listening to the song River by SM on auto-repeat while sulking for days. Then I remembered, SM was also frequently being played in the 90s TV series, Felicity. Not only that, a big chunk of a scene in one episode had one character, Meghan (Felicity's goth roommate) babbling about SM in the excerpt below (Source: IMDb)
Meghan: This is how I know Felicity still likes you. You ready?
Ben Covington : Yeah. Wha... what is it?
Meghan : Sarah McLachlan.
Ben Covington : What?
Meghan : When Felicity showed up last year, head over heels for you, Sarah McLachlan was all she listened to. If "Fumbling Towards Ecstasy" wasn't in the CD player, it was only so "Solace" could get a little airplay. I started calling it 'Ben music'... not to her face but behind her back. But then it went away, and I thought Sarah was gone for good. I almost started celebrating. And then you showed up again. You offered Felicity this cross-country trip of a lifetime, which means I got to memorize every lyric from "Surfacing"... all 10 songs! This year started off McLachlan-heavy, until the big break-up, and then all of Felicity's hair went away, and so did Sarah. Until you guys broke into the pool. Now maybe it was a coincidence, but guess who started to make a comeback? It was gradual, but constant, and now if you want me to, I can sing any song from "Mirrorball" which really annoys the hell out of me! So if you're ever curious about whether Felicity has the hots for you, just check her boom box.
Ben Covington : That's the dumbest theory I've ever heard.
It just might be a coincidence that Sarah McLachlan's music happens to be ubiquitous in other stuff I'm into. These observations do not only confirm the obvious which is I am a big fan ever since but that I am without a doubt, a sucker for schmaltz.
If this convinced you to check her out, I suggest start with her Mirrorball album :)